mercoledì 30 giugno 2010

Un segno di speranza e un invito

In uno dei chiostri di Monte Oliveto fa bella mostra di sé la splendida fioritura di una magnifica ortensia, che, come gli altri fiori della Casa madre, da sempre è amorosamente curata dai nostri novizi. La splendida corona di bianchi petali che orna le verdissime foglie sembra davvero invitarci alla speranza: dopo un inverno rigido e così poco clemente il Signore sa ricavare vita e bellezza oltre ogni nostra aspettativa. E noi invece sapremo corrispondere alle attese di santità che Dio nutre per noi, bianchi monaci di Santa Maria di Monte Oliveto? Sapremo davvero anche noi fiorire nella fedeltà, nel bene e nel vero alla luce che Cristo, vero Sole, così generosamente ci elargisce ogni giorno?

2 commenti:

  1. My name is Andrew Mituzas and I was sexually assaulted by a Rev. Gregory Mosca and a father Flaritty new this was happening in the very church they gave surmons at . I was receiving threatening phone calls telling that if I didn't keep quiet that I would be taken care of . I tried to reach out to father Ugone De'Sandgro di Fondi and a father Abbott and neither have gotton back to me. Please tell me when it is ok to sexually rape a child and because your a priest or a monk that it is ok? There is no compassion in the priesthood or the church's everyone thinks this has become the norm now a days but I won't stop until everyone knows what these two priest have done. Thank you Sincerely Andrew J Mituzas

  2. I tried to contact Father Ugone De'Sandgro di fondi and Father Abbott and they choose to ignore me . Well I am not going away infact I am going to make sure of the sexual abuse I suffered at the hands of not one priest but two one being Gregory Mosca and Father Flannery everyone will know what theses two priest are and I am surprised that father Ugone De'Sandgro di fondi and Father Abbott condon this type of behavior but I guess they are all brothers and they stick together nevermind the person who was literally raped by a priest all they do is cover it up. Sincerely, Andrew J Mituzas I am not going anywhere I am only going to get louder
